Wednesday, January 2, 2008

List of things to do before I turn 30

1. Belly dancing classes: The benefits of belly dance are both mental and physical. Dancing provides a good cardio-vascular workout and helps increase both flexibility and strength, focusing on the torso or "core muscles", although it also builds leg strength. Many belly dance styles emphasize muscular "isolations", teaching the ability to move various muscles or muscle groups independently. Veil work can also build arm, shoulder, and general upper-body strength, and playing the zils can build strength and independence of the fingers. Belly dance is suitable for all ages and body types, and can be as physical as the participant chooses.

2. Take a Road Trip SOLO: Those who look upon road trips not as a method of travel but rather a hobby frequently describe themselves as Road Enthusiasts or Professional Road Trippers. These motorists take the concept of road trips very seriously, some have devoted time and resources to the pursuit of the hobby. Although there are many personalities in the Road Tripping Community, many road enthusiasts advocate sharing the roadways, preservation of historic places and natural spaces, and safe driving. Much like backpacking many road enthusiasts also subscribe to the ideas of Leave No Trace. The goal of road trip enthusiasts is to experience the culture, nature and history of the route, and to celebrate the open road.

3. Start taking pilates or yoga: PILATES: According to practitioners, the central element of Pilates is to create a fusion of mind and body, so that without thinking about it the body will move with economy, grace, and balance; using one's body to the greatest advantage, making the most of its strengths, counteracting its weaknesses, and correcting its imbalances. The goal is to produce an attention-free union of mind and body, the method requires that one constantly pays attention to one's body while doing the movements. Paying attention to movement is so vital that it is more important than any other single aspect of the movements or the method. YOGA: There are numerous opinions on what the goal of Yoga may be, although generally they involve some kind of union, either of a personal or a non-personal nature.

4. Get Married: People marry for many reasons, but usually one or more of the following: legal, social and economic stability; the formation of a family unit; procreation and the education and nurturing of children; legitimizing sexual relations; public declaration of love; or to obtain citizenship. I want to marry my best friend!

5. Pay off debts: Money is a big source of stress in life...

6. Finally learn to speak a 3rd language. Possibly Xhosa, isiXhosa is one of the official languages of South Africa. The language has also variously been known as "Xosa," Xhosa is spoken by approximately 7.9 million people, or about 18% of the South African population. Like most Bantu languages, Xhosa is a tonal language, that is, the same sequence of consonants and vowels can have different meanings when said with a rising or falling or high or low intonation. One of the most distinctive features of the language is the prominence of click consonants; "Xhosa," the name of the language itself, begins with a click.

7. Go Hot air ballooning: Hot Air ballooning is the activity of flying hot air balloons. Attractive aspects of ballooning include the exceptional quiet (except when the propane burners are firing), the lack of a feeling of movement, and the bird's-eye view. Since the balloon moves with the wind, the passengers feel absolutely no wind, except for brief periods during the flight when the balloon climbs or descends into air currents of different direction or speed.

8. Kiss in the rain: The next time it rains, I'll grab an umbrella, rain coats, and my love. I'll then go outside and kiss in the rain. If the spirit of the kiss moves me, I'll remove the umbrella and kiss 'till the two of us are soaked.

9. Carve my initials with someone else's into a tree: There are few things as intriguing as seeing a century old message in a tree. It makes you wonder about the kind of person that left that message. They usually simply leave their initials and a year. The rest is up to your imagination. Now I hope that in 2100 somone will look unto an aged beech tree,see my initials, and wonder what magnificent life I lived a hundred years earlier.

10. Get Lasik laser eye surgery: LASIK is a type of refractive laser eye surgery. The procedure is generally preferred because it requires less time for the patient's recovery, and the patient feels less pain, overall; however, there are instances where PRK/ASA is medically indicated as a better alternative to LASIK. Many patients choose LASIK as an alternative to wearing corrective eyeglasses or contact lenses.

11. Get something I created published: Started writing a little bit again. I don’t know where this inspiration is coming from. It’s nice to read over something nice you’ve writen. Nice.

12. Learn how to cook: I can do microwave dinners excellent. However, for a 26 year old I'm pathetic when it comes to Sunday cooked lunches... Yet for all the sound reasons to learn, the excuses and imagined pitfalls of cooking come fraught with anxiety. What if it burns? What if the courses aren't timed right? I'm positive I'm not a "natural" at cooking. Knives are big and dangerous. I hate chopping onions. I prefer life when it has no dirty dishes.

13. Own a business: Still not sure what business but I'll think of something...

14. Learn to make sushi: I want to learn how to make sushi with a Japanese chef!

15. Lose the weight - KG's: I want the perfect BMI and weigh less than 65kg (75kg at the moment!) I can then appear regularly at the beach in a bikini... feeling no shame

16. Quit smoking: quit, quit, quit...

17. Fall asleep in a hammock on the beach: zzzzzzzzzzzz...... I just love cat napping, however this time in style

18. Get waxed: Legs and all!!!!!!

19. Take a cake decorating course: I've always been so envious of girls who do this and do it well. I tried to decorate cupcakes I once made, but I'm not so good at it. I'd really like to learn.

20. Buy a right-hand ring: I want to buy myself a pretty diamond ring for my right hand (with matching earrings!)

21. Have kids or adopt: I've always wanted kids... clock is ticking :) hehe

22. Treat myself to a health spa: In today's fast moving world it is more important than ever to take care of ourselves, both mind and body. Treating yourself to a visit to a health spa and indulging in the many treatments on offer is not only relaxing, but healthy too. Take a mud bath for instance, rich in minerals, it is used to detoxify the body and ease the painful symptoms of rheumatism and arthritis. Exhilarating and rejuvenating, a visit to a health spa will make you feel half as old and twice as energetic

23. Sleep under the stars: Most people never dream of spending the night under the stars. Take a sleeping bag, even just for one night, and fall asleep watching the myriad of jewels above our heads. Imagine the distance and feel the awe of space and time.

24. Watch the sun set and rise: At least once in your life, you must take time out to watch the sunset. A reflective event drawing to a close a day never to be repeated. The last day of somebody's life and the first day of another's. A sunrise is a different matter altogether. Hear the birds singing, feel the crisp morning air, and appreciate the fact that you have another day to spend as you wish on this beautiful earth. For maximum effect, consider finding somewhere peaceful and secluded. Watching the sun set or rise over the rooftops of a city just isn't the same.

25. Go Naked: Let's clear one thing up from the start, there's nothing wrong with being naked! But anyway, I'll try stripping off somewhere a little more excluded like a quiet field or beach and for a short time feel totally liberated as I run in the fresh air as nature intended.

26. Drive a stunning car: ...that turns heads in the street, but not only drive the car - own the car!

27. Put a message in a bottle: and throw it out to the sea

28. Catch a fish: hook & all

29. Get a dog: this is a mission on it's own as it is lately so expensive to buy a dog from a breeder, I'll have to save up for a couple of months!

30. Quit my job: I just want to write the letter to my boss that I am giving notice...


Fibo said...


gammagoblin said...

Ignore the first comment, its just a spam bot. I on the other hand wish you a very human Happy New Year :)

Elise said...

My God! Thats enough for a life-time! How old are you? (if you don't mind me asking)I mean if you turn 30 soon you haven't got much time! xx

Lisa De Vahl said...

he he. Elise, I'm turning 27 in February. I'm sure I'll be able handle the list, but I think I was being way tooo positive when I said I'll be married and have kids by then. But other than the above, I'm sure I'll manage the rest by then :)

Polgara said...

Thanks for the comment! probably seems a bit odd, not my usual source of topic lol

Stephanie said...

Wow! What a list, it kinda makes me feel ashamed of my own pitifull list of resolutions...

Either way, I wish you all the luck in the world with it, especially with the waxing (I do hope you survive that one!)

Arielle Fragassi said...

I love some of your goals so much, I am going to make them mine as well!
Kiss in the rain, Learn to make sushi, Take a cake decorating course, Watch the sun set and rise, and Put a message in a bottle are especially wonderful. I think everyone should do these things.

Anonymous said...

To help you out, I have some good download movies for yoga: PILATES. Good luck.

Suicidal Dreams ... said...

wow, such a "small" list u got... ;), but it's really a good job, put your priority on the list...
some of your list are very interesting and I should give a try, like...
kiss in the rain and go for Hot air fact learn to make sushi also a good idea, as I love to eat sushi very much... eheheh.
To sleep under the stars and watch the sun set and rise thats definitely nice things to do...

Anyway,good luck for everything...:)
oww, ya..thanks for your comment to my blog.
enjoy your weekend...
cheers ^^
- Sara -

NickLeStrange said...

That is quite a list you have there... *copies some of it for his own list* ;)

Lady Black said...

happy new year.
yeh I can do with the car and hammock